
The Good Samaritan

A look into the parable of the good Samaritan as a symbol of Christ.

Christ as the Good Samaritan

This parable can be interpreted to be a symbol of Christ. The Samaritans were looked down on by the Jews of the time, just as they looked down on Christ. Just as the samaritan takes care of the wounded man on the path, Christ takes care of of us along our mortal path and heals our wounds. This relation can be further established as the samaritan puts oil and wine on the traveller’s wounds in Luke 10.34, an example of using Wine and olive oil as symbols of the blood of Christ to heal spiritual wounds.

The Innkeeper

We can look at the innkeeper as a representation of any of us who have a stewardship or ministering responsibility. The Samaritan pays the innkeeper and charges him with caring for the wounded man and promises to pay any overage when he returns.

We have been given talents and blessings in order to carry out our charge of caring for our brothers and sisters. Sometimes these responsibilities will require us to make sacrifices, but the Lord will reward those sacrifices at his Second Coming.